Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Annual Council, Council, Monday, 14th May, 2018 6.40 pm (Item 1.)

(i)      To elect the Chairman of the Council for the year 2018/2019.

(ii)     The Chairman of the Council to invite nominations for the election of Chairman for 2018/2019.

(iii)    Councillor P Turner seconded by Councillor S Raja to propose that Councillor A R Green be elected Chairman of the Council for 2018/2019.

(iv)    The Chairman of the Council to ask if there are any other nominations.

(v)     The Chairman of the Council to put the nomination(s) to the meeting.

(vi)    The Chairman of the Council to declare Councillor A R Green duly elected.

(vii)   Councillor A R Green to accept office and make the necessary declaration and to be presented with the Chairman’s Chain.

(viii)  Mrs Green to be presented with the Chairman’s Consort’s badge and a bouquet.

(ix)    The incoming Chairman of the Council to address the Council.               

(x)     Vote of thanks to the retiring Chairman, Councillor Miss S Brown to be proposed by Councillor R Gaffney and seconded by Councillor Z Ahmed.

(xi)    Councillor Miss S Brown to respond.

(xii)   The Chairman of the Council to present to Councillor Miss S Brown a past Chairman’s badge. 



It was proposed by Councillor P R Turner that Councillor A R Green be elected as Chairman of the Council for the 2018/19 municipal year.


The proposer gave a brief history of Councillor Green`s long serving background stating that it was with huge pleasure to propose a highly respected and hardworking Councillor, who had been elected to WDC in 1999 in the ward of Terriers and Amersham Hill. Having previously served for 15 years on the Council at the London Borough of Lambeth, Councillor Green had also been Deputy Leader on 2 occasions. He had also held the positions of Cabinet Member for Older and Younger People and Economic Development and Regeneration. He currently served as Chairman of the High Wycombe Town Committee, and also represented the Council on the Board of High Wycombe Bidco and on the Board of Wycombe Heritage and Arts Trust. Moreover he had been instrumental in overseeing the transformation of High Wycombe museum to trust status.  


Councillor Turner concluded by stating that Councillor Green`s vast experience put him in good stead to carry out the duties of Chairman of the Council and in representing the district as a whole during the forthcoming year.  


In seconding the proposal, Councillor S Raja echoed the sentiments expressed by the proposer, and wholeheartedly agreed that Councillor Green would make an excellent Chairman.


Upon there being no other nominations and upon being put to a vote it was


RESOLVED: That Councillor A R Green be elected a Chairman for the Municipal Year 2018/19.


Councillor A R Green thereupon accepted office, made the necessary declaration and was presented with the Chairman`s chain. Mrs Green was presented with the Chairman`s Consort`s badge and a bouquet.


Councillor A R Green in the Chair


The Chairman rose to thank the proposer and seconder for their kind words, and all of his fellow Councillors for showing trust and confidence in him. He also wished to thank and congratulate the outgoing Chairman on what had proved to be a very successful year.


The Chairman then went onto express how honoured he was to be serving as Chairman on this his 20th year as Member of this Council and how he intended to perform the role to the best of his ability proving to be a good ambassador for the Council. He stated that he relished the opportunity to serve as chairman of this a solvent well run Authority with competent Members and officers who had worked hard for the people of Wycombe over the past 40 years. Councillor Green then took the opportunity to thank his wife Debbie for the unwavering support she had given him over the years which had enabled him to fulfil his duties as Councillor. She would also be by his side as his consort during his forthcoming year of office.


The Chairman announced that the theme for the year would be the Arts, which in the current times of tightened budgets was often overlooked. During the year he hoped very much to raise the profile of the arts throughout the district and urged Members to support him in doing so, helping to make Wycombe the undisputed arts capital of Bucks. He gave mention to a Charity Ball which was to be held on 14 September at the Old Town Hall to raise money for 2 charities which were of particular interest. The museum, which was run by Wycombe Arts and Heritage Trust and for the Wycombe Arts Centre in Desborough Road.


Councillor R H W Gaffney proposed a vote of thanks to the outgoing Chairman, congratulating her on her achievements and on a job well done. He stated that his decision to propose her as Chairman a year ago had indeed proved to be the correct one. In addition he outlined that Councillor Miss S Brown with her bubbly outgoing personality had embraced the whole of the district in carrying out her duties as Chairman and had been a credit to all concerned. She would be sorely missed.

Councillor Z Ahmed seconded the vote of thanks emphasising that she had done a fantastic job in her role of Chairman.

In responding the outgoing Chairman, thanked everyone for their kind and sincere words, stating that she had come to the end of a very interesting and busy year having undertaken many varied engagements. She stated that she had felt very honoured and privileged to have undertaken the esteemed role and thanked both Members and staff for their support. She also made reference to the numerous Queen Awards the district had received.

The outgoing Chairman concluded by stating that she would not be leaving a gift on her departure due to the uncertainty of the times which lay ahead. However she would be contributing £150 towards the homeless within the district. 

The Chairman of the Council thereupon presented to Councillor Miss S Brown a past Chairman’s Badge.